Here's a showcase of our most handsome plant gifts, all looking leafy and lovely!
BBQ Herb Garden Gift Crate
Chef's Garden Trio
Dad's BBQ Herb Garden Gift
Dad's Coffee Lover's Gift Crate
Extra Lemon Crate
Extra Orange Crate
Feijoa 'The Fruit Salad' Tree
Finger Lime Crate
From Tiny Acorns Gift
Get Stuffed Herb Garden
Myrtle Tree Gift Crate
Pub Garden Trio
Scented Crab Apple Crate
Strawberry Guava Crate
The Afternoon Tea Gift Crate
The Banana Tree Box
The Coffee Lover’s Hamper
The Earl Grey Tea Crate
The Evergreen Oak Tree
The Indoor Jasmine Crate
The Lemon Crate
The Medlar Tree Crate
The Olive Enthusiasts Kit
The Orange Crate
The Orangery Crate
The Pink and Blueberry Box
The Sausage Vine Crate
The Strawberry Tree Gift
The Thai Chef's Crate
The Yuzu Crate