Boozy Figs

open fig 2

We love figs at the Gluttonous Gardener. In fact we're often to be found sporting nothing but a fig leaf (or ten) when dress down Friday comes around in the office. What a hideous thought, thank goodness it's not true!

Figs in September

These green beauties grow in Croatia on an island near Split. All around the area, you'll see racks of them drying in the late summer sun, patiently turned by hand until they are ready to be threaded onto strings, interspersed with bay leaves.

We had a positive glut of figs on our hands here, so we experimented with some fig brandy and preserved figs in syrup and thought you might like to have a go as well.

Figs in Brandy

First of all we squeezed our figs till they split and pushed in a halved shelled walnuts.  

From here, we then packed them in jars with lemon zest and a strewing of sugar between each layer, we then topped them up with brandy, and when the jars were full and the lids closed, we sterilised the jars in boiling water for 50 minutes.

We hope if you too have a glut of figs, you might try making some boozy figs and that they will be a delicious reminder of the summer in the dark days of winter.

Wednesday 17th September, 2014