Cool down this summer with our homemade rhubarb cordial

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There's nothing quite as refreshing as a glass of rose-pink cordial on a hot day. Head Gardener Ned's recipe for rhubarb and orange flavoured cordial is easy to make and tastes absolutely delicious. Give it a try!

2kg rhubarb, trimmed and chopped into chunks

50g citric acid

1kg granulated sugar

Zest of two oranges

Place the rhubarb and orange zest in a large bowl and just cover with water. Add the citric acid and stir well.

Cover and leave for 48 hours.

Strain the rhubarb through a sieve. Put the strained liquid into a pan and add the sugar and orange juice. Heat gently and stir until the sugar has dissolved.

Bring to the boil and boil for five minutes. Pour into a sterilised bottle. Dilute before using.

Tuesday 8th June, 2021